
Budgerigar Atau Budgie

Sedikit info tentang burung budgie, buat masa sekarang aku pun cuma ada 3 ekor je dan baru 4-5 bulan cuba membela burung ni, ada sky blue, colbat dan albino. Ni ada sedikit info pasal budgie yang aku ambik dari wikipedia, bleh la usha-usha yer.

Info Taken From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budgerigar%20

Apa Itu Budgie?

The Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus), (parakeet, shell parakeet, budgerigah, budgie, or common pet parakeet in US English) is a small parrot and the only species in the Australian genus Melopsittacus. A small long-tailed predominantly green and yellow bird with black scalloped markings on the wings and shoulders in the wild, the Budgerigar has been bred extensively with a profusion of colour forms resulting. Thus, aviary birds may be blue and white, all yellow, all white, or various other combinations thereof. Some have even been bred with small crests. In the wild, it is a predominantly seed-eating species. The budgerigar is found throughout the drier parts of Australia and has survived for the last five million years in the harsh inland conditions of that continent.

Diet Untuk Budgie

Pet budgerigars eating fruit. Although budgerigars in their natural-habitats of Australia eat mainly grass seeds, captive budgerigars feed on either dry, sprouted and/or soaked seeds. A diet of only dry seeds is inadequate for budgerigars and/or any parrot species' optimum health. Avian veterinarians recommend pet birds' diets be supplemented with foods such as:
  • Whole Cereals and whole Grains : Amaranth, Barley, Couscous, Flax, whole-grain Pastas, Oat, Quinoa (truly a Fruit but used as a Cereal), whole-Wheat, Wild-Rice, whole Rices.
  • Edible Blossoms and Flowers: Carnations, Chamomille, Chives, Dandelion, Day Lilies, Eucalyptus, Fruit tree's blossoms, Herbs' blossoms, Hibiscus, Honeysuckle, Impatiens, Lilac, Nasturiums, Pansies, Passion Flower (Passiflora), Roses, Sunflowers, Tulips, Violets. Note that the leaves of some of these plants are poisonous to budgies.
  • Greens and/or Weeds:
    • mainly ; Bok-Choi, Broccoli and/or Cauliflower leaves, Cabbage leaves, Collard greens, Dandelion leaves, Kelp, Mustard leaves, Seaweeds, Spirulina, Water cress.
    • occasionally and sporadically ; Amaranth leaves, Beet leaves, Carambola (Starfruit), Chards, Parsley, Spinach and Turnip leaves. All of these feature high Oxalic-Acid contents that induces production of Calcium Oxalates (crystals/stones) by binding Calcium and other trace Minerals present in foods and goods with which they're ingested. Possibly, leading to Calcium deficiencies and/or Hypocalcemia in minor cases. Liver's &/or other internal organs' damage or failure in more severe cases.

  • Fruit (except Avocados which are toxic): all Apple varieties, Banana, all Berries varieties, all Citrus varieties, Grapes, Kiwi, Mango, Melons, Nectarine, Papaya, Peach, all Pear varieties, Plum, Star-fruit. Pits and seeds from every Citrus and Drupe species must always be discarded as they are intoxicating. However, achenes and tiny seeds from pseudo and true Berries (Bananas, Blueberries, Elderberries, Eggplants, Persimmons, Pomegranates, Raspberries, Strawberries, Tomatoes) are all okay.
  • Legumes: Almonds, Beans, Lentils, Peas, Nuts and Tofu.
  • Grain and/or Legume sprouts: Adzuki beans, Alfalfa beans, Buckwheat, Lentils, Mungo beans, Pinto beans, Red Kidney beans, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds. Caution with only Lima and Navy beans' sprouts which are toxic.
  • Vegetables (except Uncooked Potatoes, Uncooked Onions and all Mushrooms): Beet, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Carrots, Cucumber, all Cabbage varieties, fresh Beans, fresh Romane Lettuce, fresh Peas, Parsnip, all Pepper varieties, all Squash varieties, Sweet potatoes, Tomato, Turnip, Yams, Zucchini.
  • Pellets specifically formulated for budgerigars, for Australian grass budgerigars and/or for small parrots are all healthy additions.
  • Other fat-free, healthy and nutritious human foods.
Adding these foods provides additional nutrients and can prevent obesity and lipomas, as can substituting millet, which is relatively low in fat, for higher-fat seed mixes. Adult budgerigars often do not always adapt readily to dietary additions, so care must be taken to introduce healthy diets as young as possible (ideally weaned onto fresh foods before introducing chicks onto seeds). Parrots and budgerigars learn mainly by mimicry and thus most adult budgerigars will be easily encouraged to try new foods by observing another bird eating the food, or by placing the new food on a mirror.
Parrot species (including budgerigars) are herbivores. Consequently, they should be fed plant-based diets that are ideally supplemented with vegetable proteins, for example, produced by a combination of any type of whole grain with any type of legume. Eggs (hard-boiled and/or scrambled) are the only appropriately healthy source of animal protein, mostly for birds in either breeding, growing, moulting and/or recovering conditions. High levels of proteins (particularly animal proteins) are unhealthy for budgerigars and other Grass Parakeet species living under any alternate conditions (i.e. non-breeding, pets).
Alcohol, avocado, chocolate, caffeine, products containing lactose, garlic and onions present a danger of toxicosis and should not be fed.
The wild budgerigar has evolved alongside the Eucalyptus tree and over a million years has developed an intimate bond with the tree and its leaves. Wet eucalyptus leaves excite and invigorate both the wild and captive budgerigar. They love to bathe in the wet leaves and breeding females destructively chew the bark. The eucalyptus oil from the leaves has medicinal properties that stimulate the immune system and promote a strong natural resistance to disease.

Macam Mana Nak Kenalpasti Jantina Budgie?

Cara paling mudah adalah kenalpasti warna 'cere'. 'Cere' berasal dari perkataan latin dan selain dari burung dari keluarga parrot, burung seperti helang dan merpati juga mempunyai 'cere'. Ini adalah contoh yang saya ambil dari laman web bagi memudahkan kawan-2 semua terutama mengenal pasti cere pada albino atau lutino.

Male budgies, as adults have bright blue ceres, or even a vibrant purple cere. As young chicks, they normally have pink ceres. In some mutations, such as pieds, lutinos, and albinos, the males normally retain a pink cere, but it is not completely unknown for some to have a tan cere (rare, but it has happened... It's also rare for one a lutino or albino to have a blue cere, but it has happened!). Here are a few photos of male budgies!

Female budgies, as adults, will have a crusty brown cere when in breeding condition, and a white cere with blue tints when out of breeding condition. Young females have white ceres with varient amount of blue in them, and possibly even tan or brown coloring. This is true for ALL mutations (even pieds, lutinos, and albinos). Here are some photos!